Why Is Eye Dilation Important?

Why Is Eye Dilation Important?

Why Is Eye Dilation Important?

Why Is Eye Dilation Important?

Why should you get your eyes dilated, and what does eye dilation do to your eyes? Dilation is a detailed eye exam that gives your eye doctor a closer look inside your eye. It is particularly important when you are experiencing vision problems or pain in the eye, or if you are at risk of developing certain eye illnesses.


Why Do You Need Eye Dilation?


During an eye dilation, your doctor can spot, prevent, and treat issues that can cause you to lose your sight. Eye dilation can help your doctor to diagnose:


Glaucoma: a condition that develops when there is too much pressure in the optic nerve. This condition is among the top causes of vision loss among people 60 years and older, though it can affect anybody at any age, even in the absence of family history.


Diabetic Retinopathy: this diabetic illness happens when your retina is affected by high blood pressure. Signs include blood vessels under the retina swelling, leaking, or growing unusually. If left unchecked, diabetic retinopathy can cause total loss of eyesight.


Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD): as you age, an area of your retina called the macular deteriorates. The macular receives light and allows you to see clearly. When it becomes weaker, you may have trouble driving, knowing people’s faces, or reading. AMD is the major cause of blindness for people above 50 years old.


Cataract: this eye illness occurs when the lens of your eyes becomes opaque, normally due to injury or age. However, many conditions such as diabetes as well as certain medications can surge your risk of cataracts.


Ocular Tumors: moles, freckles, and malignant tumors can develop in the eyes. However, such tumors are not common, and the five-year survival rate is 80 percent. Still, regular eye checkups with dilation drops are important to detect any growth or tumors and stop them from spreading.


Detached Retina: on very rare occasions, the retina can disconnect itself from blood vessels that provide it with nutrients and oxygen. When the retina begins to pull away, it may cause floaters and flashes of light in your vision. If untreated, the condition can also lead to vision loss.


What Does Dilation Do to Your Eyes?


Typically, your pupil shrinks when light gleams into it. In dilation, your doctor will use eye drops to keep the pupil open. That way, the doctor can see all the way to the back of your eye, including the optic nerve and the whole retina.


It takes about 15 to 30 minutes for the eyes to fully dilate, depending on each individual patient’s reaction to the dilation drops.


How Long Does the Dilation Last?


As mentioned, each patient responds differently to the eye drops, and most people’s eyes go back to normal within four to six hours. For you, the effects could fade away more quickly, or your eyes could stay dilated for much longer.


To learn more about eye dilation, contact Quality Eye Care in Jacksonville or Gainesville, FL at (904) 601-1300 and book an appointment today.

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