What is Unsafe Eye Pressure?

What is Unsafe Eye Pressure?

What is Unsafe Eye Pressure?

What is Unsafe Eye Pressure?

Regular eye exams are essential for everyone as they allow your eye doctor to check your vision and intraocular pressure. Doing so helps monitor your eye health and determines if your optic nerve is well. The eyes are full of fluid to keep them inflated, and healthy eyes drain fluid freely to maintain steady eye pressure. Normal eye pressure is different from one person to the other and the pressure can change during the day.

When is the Pressure Unsafe?


Normal intraocular pressure supports your eye shape. As such, it supports all the structures and parts of your eye that help you see. Eye pressure that is consistently too high or low could be dangerous. If your doctor diagnoses that you have eye pressure that is not normal, it could be a warning sign that you have a problem with your vision.

High Eye Pressure


High eye pressure occurs when your eye produces too much fluid or if it does not drain. Your eye doctor will refer to this as ocular hypertension.

High pressure in your eye can damage your optic nerve, cause glaucoma, and lead to blindness. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that causes no pain. You can have it for years without experiencing vision changes. Only comprehensive eye exams can help you detect it early to slow its progression.

Low Eye Pressure

Low eye pressure is not as apparent as high eye pressure. People often get it after surgeries due to a leak in their eyes. Low pressure can cause blurry vision. However, some individuals have a clear sight of it. Doctors call eye pressure that is below 5 mm Hg ocular hypotony. It can result in eye problems such as cataracts, discomfort, damage to the macula, and swelling in your cornea.

Danger Zones of Eye Pressure

Determining the danger zones of eye pressure is not as straightforward as blood pressure. Different individuals can have varying ranges of what should be standard. However, most ophthalmologists refer to a target eye pressure that can stop the worsening of glaucoma. It depends on the state of your optic nerve. 

The target eye pressure can change from time to time depending on factors such as your stress levels. If your glaucoma symptoms worsen despite getting to your target eye pressure, your specialist can revise it to a lower target. Thus, it is essential to see your optometrist or ophthalmologist regularly.

When to See a Doctor


Checking your eye pressure is ideal for preserving your sight. Changes in your intraocular pressure may not have warning signs or symptoms. It is as dangerous to two million parts of your eye that help you see as blood pressure is a danger to your body organs.

Measuring the Pressure

Your eye doctor can measure your intraocular pressure through a tonometry test. The test will show the firmness of your eyeball using the same measurement units that check for blood pressure. They can do the test by touching your eye using the tip of a tool or using drops to numb them first. The normal intraocular pressure range should be about 10 to 20 mm Hg.

For more about eye pressure, visit Quality Eye Care at our office in Jacksonville or Gainesville, Florida. Call (904) 601-1300 to book an appointment today.

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