What to Expect at a Comprehensive Eye Exam

What to Expect at a Comprehensive Eye Exam

What to Expect at a Comprehensive Eye Exam

What to Expect at a Comprehensive Eye Exam

The eye is one of the most complex and sensitive organs in the body. Therefore, a comprehensive eye examination involves a series of tests to assess eye health and the visual system. Most people, however, do not know what to expect when they schedule an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam. This is especially true if they have never had one before.

Your eye doctor in Jacksonville, FL will use a wide range of instruments to check your eyes. He will also ask you to look through several lenses and shine bright lights at your eyes. Each of these tests will look into a different aspect of your eye health or vision.

According to educated estimates, more than one billion people across the globe are dealing with some type of vision impairment. Therefore, more than a billion individuals need a comprehensive eye exam. Many of them will probably need to have corrective measures taken. 

A comprehensive eye exam is a pretty tame examination in general. To learn what to expect at a comprehensive eye exam, you need to break down the basics. As such, you should expect the following:

You Will Need to Give Your Complete Medical History

The first thing your eye doctor will do is ask for your complete medical history. Before you go for your exam, therefore, you should write a list of all the medications you are currently taking, the time of day you take them, and their dosages. The doctor will also want information about your family history, including issues that do not include eye health.

Your eye doctor needs this information to focus on symptoms related to your eye health. It is important to give an honest, accurate, and complete medical history when you go for the eye exam. This is why it is important to make note of your personal and family medical history in advance.

Vision Test


After providing your complete medical history, your eye doctor will give you a vision test. He will conduct several different tests using a variety of machines and procedures. This will help him determine how your eyes are functioning, and whether they are working as they should.

Visual Acuity Test

Most people know what a visual acuity test is. You may not think you know what it is, but you do. Picture the chart with rows of letters with the big E on the upper part. If this sounds familiar to you, you should expect it at your comprehensive eye exam. This test will help your eye doctor determine how well you see the details of individual letters from certain distances. If your doctor informs you that you have 20/20 vision, it means that you have normal vision and you can see things clearly from 20 feet.

Other tests you should expect at your comprehensive eye exam include:

  • A color blindness test to determine whether or not you are color blind.

  • An eye alignment to check how well your eyes are aligned and whether they work well together.

  • An eye movement test to determine how well your eyes follow moving objects.

  • A stereopsis or depth perception test to check your ability to visually perceive 3D objects.

  • A glaucoma test.

  • A slit lamp exam to check your inner eye.

  • A test to check whether you need a new prescription of your existing contact lenses or eyeglasses.

  • A retinoscopy to determine whether you should start wearing eyeglasses and the prescription they should be.

  • A refraction test to narrow down your prescription to exacts.

  • A pupil dilation test to make your eyes sensitive for a while.

If you want to learn more about comprehensive eye exams or would like to schedule one, contact us at Quality Eye Care in Jacksonville, FL, by calling us at (904) 601-1300. We aim to help you maintain your vision for as long as possible.

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